Welcome to 学讲拼音上海话
Committed to Excellence
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How We Got Here
学讲拼音上海话 为上海话制作了一套包括汉语拼音,沪语注音和英语互相对照的音标,用以帮助年青一代的上海人以及居住在上海的外地人包括外国人学习听、讲、写出正确的上海方言。同时也介绍了上海话用词的特点、某些特殊发音的上海话简明小字典,上海话的语调以及常用的上海俚语。上海话是比较难学的,因为它有太多的发音变化和上海人特有的俚语。上海人的许许多多成语和俚语是非常有趣的,它们体现了上海话独树一帜的幽默感。本书便是为此目的而写。学好、保存好一门地方方言也是保护了祖国的一门非物质文化遗产,是一件重要的事。
It is essential to protect the Shanghainese dialect as it is one of the non-material assets inherited from our ancestors. To align with this objective, 学讲拼音上海话 created this dictionary to collect all common-used Shangainese vocabulary and compliment each of them with the correct pronunciation and the way to use it in a specific context. To make it easier to learn and interesting, this Shanghainese dictionary has also collected those proverbs and special phrases. It is free, and you can read it online or download it with the button below.
Opening Hours
Come Visit
Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm
Sat: 10am - 2pm
Sun: Closed